Monday, August 24, 2009

First day!

Today was my first day of law school.

Fortunately, this day didn't start until 3 pm. I had Torts and Legal Research and Writing. Professor Torts spoke with a good pace. A bit soft spoken, but I sit fairly close to the front, so that shouldn't be a problem. Professor Legal R & W is fairly young and has a day time job outside of the law school, but is nice and included their cell phone on the syllabus... Whoo. Not that I'll probably ever call it, but it is there on the syllabus to be called.

All in all I survived the first day and brother survived his first day of college! Yay. So a successful day thus far.

Surely tomorrow will go just as smoothly.

Also, tomorrow will be my one year anniversary on blogspot. Exciting stuff, my friends.


Legally Questioanble said...

happy anniversary! are you celebrating (by briefing cases of course)

Anonymous said...


Amanda said...

Congrats! And happy blogiversary!

Lauren McAuley said...

Happy Anniversary, and congrats on getting through the first day!