I think my blog may (probably) have been found through my twitter account. Whoops. I'm not entire sure if this will change anything.
To any 0L reading this: Law school is tough. It's extremely stressful. You might find yourself thinking, "Yes, I've heard this before, but I'll be different. It will be different for me." The thing is, you're probably going to be wrong. And that's okay. You're not going to the only one struggling/feeling incompetent, you're not the first one, and you're not going to be the last one.
I say this because, once those first semester grades come out... it makes law school so much tougher. Actually, not true if you're in the top 25% of the class (which I am not, but many of my friends are...), but for everyone else, it gets worse. For the past month, since grades came out, I've been in a fog, a heavy, depressing, crying-induced, stressed out, exhaustive fog. It's only now that I'm being to feel it lifting, but I still feel dumb many times that I'm in that building, many times when I'm around my friends who did extremely well. You just can't let it keep you down.
Well, I don't know what I intended with this post, but I know what I'll end it with...
And that is all I've got.
You'll be ok. Just persevere.
A 3L told me that the best poliy is not to talk to ANYONE about grades, but that's really really hard to adhere to. I tried my best. But he also said people stop talking and caring about if after the first year. And he also said they really don't matter, that you can still get a job. Whether that's true or not, we'll see, but don't be depressed.
Ditto what Brandon said. Avoid talking about grades. Like talking about exam questions, nothing good can come of it unless you happen to be ranked #1 of everyone (and then you're just a jerk if you talk about grades). Honestly, many people who struggle 1L year find their groove, especially once able to start to choose their own classes and schedule.
You can do it, believe in yourself, and don't forget to pray to God for guidance... he'll help a lot!!!
by the way, the puppy is so cute!
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